This is more of a local thing, but Slovenia is getting ready to adopt the Euro currency and I thought I could come up with the SIT to EUR currency calculator, wrapping it in a useful declarative Atlas sample. And here it is - copy the following code into the Atlas-enabled web page:
<input type="text" id="inputBox" size="5" class="input" value="0"/> SIT
<input id="calculateButton" type="button" value="SIT -> EUR" />
<span id="resultLabel">0</span> EUR
<span id="euroValidator" style="color:red"> *</span>
<script type="text/javascript">
function CalculateEUR(sender, eventArgs)
var value = eventArgs.get_value();
var newValue = 0;
if (value > 0)
newValue = parseInt(value / 2.3964, 10) / 100;
<script type="text/xml-script">
<page xmlns:script="">
<textBox id="inputBox">
<requiredFieldValidator errorMessage="Vpiši številko!" />
<typeValidator type="Number" errorMessage="Vpiši številko!" />
<rangeValidator lowerBound="0" upperBound="100000000" errorMessage="Številka mora biti večja od 0!" />
<label id="resultLabel">
<binding id="calculator" dataContext="inputBox" dataPath="text" property="text" transform="CalculateEUR" direction="Out" automatic="false" />
<validationErrorLabel id="euroValidator" visibilityMode="Hide" associatedControl="inputBox" />
<button id="calculateButton">
<invokeMethod target="calculator" method="evaluateIn" />
The code is, thanks to Atlas, pretty straightforward, so I don't think I need to explain it here. If you have some questions, comments or improvements to the above code, feel free to post them here.
Disclaimer: the above sample is for illustrative purposes only. Don't use it to perform any real-world calculations, since [the above javascript funcion] hasn't at all been tested for accuracy of the SIT -> EUR conversion.
Actually, the included javascript function does a poor job in calculating the accurate result. It probably would be best to create a web service, which would return the correct result and bind the calculator to it.
[Update: The code was actually calculating EUR -> SIT, not vice versa. Fixed.]
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