Andrej Tozon's blog

In the Attic


NTK 2011 Slides: Silverlight and NUI

I’m publishing the materials from my “Silverlight and NUI” talk from this year NT conference. The talk, where I took the time to dig a bit deeper into Silverlight multi-touch and web camera access capabilities, was part of the whole-day track, themed as “Building applications with NUI”.

[The slides are in Slovenian language]

During my talk, I made some references to the following applications and libraries:

And this is the source code of apps I’d shown:

TouchDemo: primary touch point are shown as blue ellipses, all secondary ones as orange. Pressing the ‘1’ key will bring floating red circles on the canvas – you can move them around if you like. The commented out code changes the behavior of touch events so the primary touch points are not propagated to mouse clicks.

TouchManipulations uses the above-referenced Multi-Touch behaviors that  let you move some pictures around. Keys ‘1’ and ‘2’ will bring up two rectangles that’ll stream your web cam feed, but in different manner: VIdeoBruh vs. ImageBrush with repeated Image captures. [Note: Images included are only placeholders – with the file length of 0 – you’ll have to replace them with proper files in order to run the demo]